Environmental & economic rights
Promoting gender-responsive and disability inclusive disaster risk reduction strategies
The WIN Project raises awareness of persisting gaps and barriers to gender-responsive and disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction, and identifies good practices and recommended actions for policymakers.
Strengthening anti-corruption efforts from a gender perspective
The WIN Project trains OSCE staff and other stakeholders to include gender perspectives in their work on countering corruption.
Increasing women’s participation in the digital economy
Digitalization can create jobs for women, including those who lost their income and livelihood as a result of conflict. The WIN Project documents good practices and innovative approaches to enhance women’s participation in the digital economy.
Four reasons why gender equality works
At the Generation Equality Forum in Paris, the OSCE pledged to improve gender equality by taking concrete actions on Gender Based Violence, Economic Justice & Rights as well as Technology and Innovation. It has also joined the Women Peace and Security and Humanitarian Action (WPSHA) Compact. Gender equality works, because:
Educated women lift households out of poverty
Sharing unpaid care work benefits everyone
When women have equal pay, the whole economy profits
Women in STEM open up the future
“Even if natural disasters are gender neutral, their impacts are not,” said OSCE Secretary General Helga Maria Schmid. This report covers the main statements from the High-Level Conference.
The paper addresses the important question of how men and women are impacted differently by corruption, focusing on areas that are relevant to the OSCE mandate. The discussion also highlights the issue of “sextortion”, a form of corruption that disproportionately affects women.