WIN Project update for 2023
Welcome to the fifth Project Update of the OSCE Secretariat Gender Issues Programme WIN project.The aim of this Update is to inform project stakeholders on key milestones and plans for the project. In this Update we put the spotlight on WIN project’s work on the Women, Peace and Security agenda.
Key highlights for 2023
“The Leadership Programme is a concrete and much needed initiative to implement the OSCE’s commitment to gender equality, by increasing the visibility of experienced women mediators and peacebuilders and empowering the next generations of women.”
— OSCE Secretary General
Helga Maria Schmid
Women’s Peace Leadership Programme:
The inaugural cohort of 12 mentees successfully completed the OSCE Women’s Peace Leadership Programme (WPLP). A significant milestone was reached by launching the programme’s 2nd edition, welcoming 16 new mentees.
This initiative, launched by the OSCE Secretary General Helga Maria Schmid, aims to foster women’s participation in peace and security at all levels. WPLP provides comprehensive training in leadership, mediation, and dialogue facilitation to women peacebuilders from the OSCE region and Afghanistan. Guided by internationally acclaimed women leaders, including diplomats, mediators, and negotiators, the programme empowers participants through a blend of capacity-building activities, networking opportunities, and impactful peer-to-peer exchanges and mentoring.
Explore the inspiring stories of the participants of the OSCE WPLP.
Young Women for Peace Initiative:
OSCE Secretary General Helga Maria Schmid launched the Young Women for Peace Initiative on 8th March 2023, International Women’s Day. It aims to bring young women’s perspectives on peace and security to the forefront and ensure that their voices are heard and their right to be included is respected. This initiative is set to establish a dedicated networking space, providing valuable opportunities for learning and sharing best practices in advocating for positive change.
Listen to the motivating stories of young peacebuilders.
WIN will launch dedicated activities on Young Women for Peace in Central Asia.
Regional Networks for Women Professionals in P/CVERLT:
Two new OSCE regional networks of women professionals, committed to the prevention and countering of violent extremism and radicalization leading to terrorism (P/CVERLT), have been successfully established in Central Asia and South-Eastern Europe. These dynamic networks bring together 55 women professionals, representing diverse sectors such as state agencies, civil society, academia, media, and OSCE field operations. Regular monthly meetings conducted online provide a consistent platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration. The first in-person gathering of both Networks in October 2023 further strengthened individual capacities, as well as enhanced connections between women professionals within and between the regions.
Capacity-Building and Networking for Women Peacebuilders:
In collaboration with the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) a comprehensive mapping was conducted to identify existing local and regional organizations, networks, resources, and opportunities for women peacebuilders and mediators. Subsequently, a capacity-building and networking workshop brought together 28 peacebuilders and mediators (27 women, one man) from Eastern Europe, South Caucasus, and Central Asia. This workshop served as the foundation for developing an OSCE-regional strategy focused on civil society organizations, outlining guidelines for WPS initiatives and enhancing women’s meaningful participation in peace processes
The WIN project, in partnership with GNWP and UN Women, reinforced women’s leadership in peacebuilding and conflict resolution, as part of the OSCE commitments under the Compact on Women, Peace and Security and Humanitarian Action (WPS-HA Compact). An event convened 25 women peacebuilders and mediators from Eastern Europe, South Caucasus, and Central Asia, with a focus on addressing challenges and opportunities for joint actions.
“We got a lot of practical knowledge and skills from the OSCE that we now apply in practice in our work: in close co-operation with local authorities, law enforcement agencies and community leaders, we have been conducting awareness-raising work on preventing violent extremism across Tajikistan and contribute to the implementation of the National Counter - Terrorism Strategy and Action Plan.”
Malika Dodoeva,
Director of civil society organization “Javononi Peshsaf”,
Member of the OSCE Network for Women Professionals in P/CVERLT in Central Asia
“Supporting networks of women peacebuilders is a priority for the OSCE, as empowered peacebuilders play a stronger and more effective role in decision making.”
- Dr. Lara Scarpitta,
OSCE Senior Adviser on Gender Equality
Concrete steps to advance Women’s Participation
in Law Enforcement in Central Asia:
In collaboration with OSCE structures, field operations, and the government of Kazakhstan, a Regional Conference on Promoting Women’s Participation in Law Enforcement in Central Asia was held in Astana. This successful conference convened 55 participants (48 women and 7 men) representing relevant national authorities, law enforcement agencies, Policewomen Associations, civil society organizations, academic institutions, and international organizations involved with security sector institutions across the OSCE region.
The conference provided a regional platform for the exchange of good practices, marking the first networking and knowledge-sharing between women police associations, networks, and unions in Central Asia and other parts of the OSCE region. Notably, it enabled the development of recommendations for participating States and the OSCE on how to best support emerging and existing networks for women in law enforcement in Central Asia.
High level side-event at CSW67 brought together representatives of international organizations, governments, the private tech sector and civil society to discuss how digital tools can successfully enable the empowerment of women in conflict settings.
Side Event “Breaking the Silence, Building the Future: Women Peace Leadership”, at CiO Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Conference in Tetovo (North Macedonia) focused on the inclusion of women in formal negotiation processes with Network participants from Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia and Ukraine.
Bringing the perspectives of women peacebuilders to the forefront:
Research on the intersections of gender equality and national minorities was conducted in collaboration with the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities. The results, along with the recommendations for OSCE participating States to enhance equal opportunities for minority women, were summarized in a factsheet.
WIN media products:
OSCE web-site project page:
On social media:
Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, the WIN Project intensified efforts to support Ukrainian women’s civil society organizations’ work. WIN is dedicated to assisting Ukrainian institutions and civil society, recognizing the shifts in their needs due to the impact of the war.
Key results from March to December 2023
Stories of Women Activists:
A series of stories featuring Ukrainian women activists was published, spotlighting their leadership in addressing the humanitarian crisis resulting from the war in Ukraine. The objective is to raise awareness about the substantial contributions of women in the context of the conflict.
Explore stories of resilient women leaders from Ukraine.
Gathering Ukrainian Women Leaders:
Ukrainian women peacebuilders, civil society representatives, and mediators gathered in Vienna to discuss strategies for supporting women’s leadership and participation in decision-making processes. Participants shared their experiences and perspectives on the war against Ukraine with the OSCE Secretary General, participating States, WIN project donors, and OSCE Secretariat staff. Calls were made for women’s meaningful involvement in recovery planning, and the networking platform provided by the OSCE was acknowledged as a unique opportunity for diverse women mediators and peacebuilders to connect and share experiences.
Retreat for Women Activists:
The WIN project supported 2 retreats for Ukrainian women civil society activists:
- a four-day retreat organized by the Ukrainian non-governmental organization “Girls” for 30 women activists from women-led and feminist non-profit organizations. The retreat focused on raising awareness, building capacity, providing psychological support, networking opportunities, and recreation.
- The 3-day retreat, organised by WIN project partner WICC, brought together women peacebuilders who are part of the ICAN network and represent 14 regions of Ukraine. The aim of the retreat was to restore emotional wellbeing and develop a revitalised strategic plan for the network’s growth under the support of the WIN project and beyond.
“Women leaders in the SESU can do anything, but after the workshop organized by the WIN Project," they know how to do it smarter, not harder.”
- Yulia Malihonova,
Head of the Gender Unit of the
State Emergency Service of Ukraine
Training for the State Emergency Service of Ukraine:
In a series of three training courses, 76 employees (66 women and 10 men) of the State Emergency Services in Ukraine (SESU) were trained on gender- sensitive and disability-inclusive humanitarian response, along with women’s leadership in humanitarian action. The practical training for trainers that was developed for the SESU Gender Focal Points included improving facilitation skills, practicing different scenarios, and learning from international and national experts. Additionally, 30 women in managerial positions in the SESU underwent leadership training, a first-ever initiative for this group. The course provided insights into women’s roles in the security sector, innovative leadership techniques, strategies, and practical exercises for resilience-building and stress management.
Addressing Gender-Based Violence during war:
A side event at the Warsaw Human Dimension Conference focused on the urgent need to protect survivors of gender-based violence in Ukraine. Experts and activists discussed the dynamics of violence against women and girls in conflict situations, the challenges faced by women in Ukraine compared to the pre-war period, and obstacles encountered by survivors seeking protection. The event also examined the needs of civil society organizations combating violence against women and girls and assessed the responsiveness of donor policies to these needs.
Women, Peace and Security (WPS) pillar:
Monthly meetings of cross-regional networks for women practitioners in P/CVERLT
Women’s Peace Leadership Programme meetings of the second cohort
Workshop on National Action Plans on UNSCR 1325 in Central Asia
Launch of Young Women 4 Peace Initiative: Empowering Central Asia Young Women
WIN Together Conference for Women Peacebuilders in Vienna, with GNWP
Economic and Environmental Participation of Women (EE) pillar:
Research paper on the gendered aspects of corruption in the access to natural resources
Digital empowerment of Ukrainian women in partnership with WomenGoTech
Eliminating Violence Against Women and Girls (EVAW) pillar:
Regional Networking and capacity-building conferences for WRCs and CSOs in Central Asia
OSCE/UNFPA mapping on programs for perpetrators of GBV in Central Asia
WAVE-OSCE toolkit training roll-out in Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia and Ukraine
FOR 2024
Project status
2019 - 2024
Eastern Europe, Southeast Europe, South Caucasus, Central Asia
EUR 6.2 Million
EUR 3.4 Million
EUR 2.8 Million